لطفا به 5 سوال مربوط به نام خود پاسخ دهید: نام شما:

Freya (نام)

Freya is a name for girls. The name is a form of Freija and originates from . On our website 161 people with the name Freya rated their name with 4.5 stars(out of 5). So they seem very satisfied! Sometimes people write the name wrong. Abroad this is a perfectly fine name.
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Meaning of Freya

The meaning of Freya is: "باور".


161 people with the name Freya voted on their name. Please vote on your name too.


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Freya occurs in the following categories:
نام نوزاد دختر حرفینامهای680نام اسکاندیناوینامهای349

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